SunVox has been updated to v1.9.2!
What is new:
- Windows (7 and higher): multitouch support;
- Linux (x86_64 only): multitouch support;
- Linux: arm64 architecture support (tested on PINE64 64-bit Single Board Computer);
- Linux: screen rotation support;
- new module Pitch2Ctl: converts the incoming notes to the controller values (in some another connected module);
- new module Velocity2Ctl: converts the velocity parameter of the incoming notes to the controller values (in some another connected module);
- new project parameter - "Time grid" (number of lines per grid cell);
- add option "nowin" to the sunvox_config.ini if you want to launch SunVox without the window (pure console mode without UI);
- Main SunVox Menu: new function "Merge project" (load project over the current);
- Timeline: target pointer (like in the Module View) has been added; use it to choose where to place the new pattern(s);
- Timeline: now the file is used for the pattern copy-buffer; so you can paste even after the SunVox restart;
- Analog Generator: new options "Retain phase" (don't reset the phase) and "Random phase";
- Analog Generator: new options "Filter frequency = note frequency" and "Velocity-dependent filter resonance"; see the analog_gen4 and analog_gen5 examples;
- Analog Generator: new waveform "Drawn with spline interpolation";
- MultiSynth: new button "Set" (set exact values of the curve);
- Vibrato: new controller "Exponential amplitude";
- Kicker: sine waveform has been added;
- LFO: random (noise) waveform has been added;
- Loop: new controller "Mode" (normal/ping-pong loop playback); see the loop2 example;
- MetaModule: optimized interface + default user controller names;
- Sampler: new option "Stop recording on project stop";
- MultiCtl: new controller "OUT offset";
- frequency/delay limits (only for ms and Hz units) has been increased in the following modules: Echo, Delay, Vibrato, LFO;
- improved MIDI Import and Export: channel/program/bank/controller support; new timing algorithm;
- ability to switch between the text fields using the TAB/SHIFT+TAB keys;
- new oscilloscope mode (module visualizer) - XY (X = left channel; Y = right channel);
- now all notes are visible on the musical keyboard: expand it up to see the full range;
- Modules (routing): new function "Find" (find a module by name);
- Pattern Editor: improved hints;
- Pattern Editor: click on some event (note or some other command) and the corresponding module will be highlighted;
- Pattern Properties: new buttons "Shrink /2" and "Expand *2" has been added;
- Preferences -> Main: new option "Make project backup before the first overwrite";
- Preferences -> Timeline: new option "Show line numbers from ...";
- Preferences -> Timeline: new option "Grid cell size";
- Preferences -> Interface: new option "Double click time" (in ms);
- Preferences -> Interface -> Scale: new parameter "Font scale";
- new keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 1 - toggle mute (module);
- new keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 2 - toggle solo (module);
- new keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 3 - toggle bypass (module);
- new keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 4 - unmute all modules;
- new keyboard shortcut: CTRL + F - find a module;
- sunvox_no_simd for Linux x86 has been temporarily removed; use sunvox_lofi instead;
- new instruments and effects;
- new simple project examples: analog_gen4, analog_gen5, dubstep, loop2, pitch2ctl ***;
- new song examples: Quantum Countdown, PalmSounds10, Kiberaver - Hard Motor;
- updated version of SunVox library for developers:;
- bugs fixed.